The Poisoned 032: Astray Blue Frame Third of DRAGON MOMOKO (WITH A TWIST!)

I guess this is now legit because I got the image from weibo/dragonmomoko (see below).
After my recent error regarding the Barbatos HRM, I had to check for the source of the images sent to me by my "Gunpla Spies".

So yeah, the new model looks really awesome.

DABAN MODEL: Give them the Astray Blue Frame D!

That was kind of the scenario after looking at the awesome design of Astray Blue Frame Third. Base on the image, it seems you can transform it two 2 kinds of ABF, the original 2nd variation and the Astray Blue Frame Third (one of the third variations). Daban Model released the Astray Blue Frame L which is one of the third variations of the Astray Blue Frame, with no other freebies. I guess Dragon Momoko already taken the lead here because the detailing of ABF 3rd is far better than the images or art from gundam wikia.

UPDATE (2017-09-23 8:28 PM): Fixed some information from gundam wikia


  1. you know what's funny Mad Sir Jesh? BANDAI's taking their SLOW time for releasing new kits, especially Master Grades. They've been releasing TOO MANY UC kits as of late too. like, wth? there are still a lot of good kits not just from the UC line, but also from the other lines, 00 series for example, have you seen ANY 00 master grades except from Exia, 00, and Quanta? hell no.

    AND the 3rd party kits, especially from the good folks of DABAN and Dragon Momoko, man am I impressed! they've been, and they will be releasing kits non-stop just before the year ends? damn. I hope I have enough resources to buy them all.

    PS. so, the HRM Barbie is a hoax afterall? because how on earth will they pull-off that gundam frame that's essentially an action figure, not a kit. well, if they chose to do what DM did with the metal build SF and Destiny, then maybe, just maybe, they can pull it off. lol

    1. Yeah I agree with you, they always go on the common/popular genre and put the rare or barely seen models in the p-bandai line. I know it's their marketing strategy but you are right that they are being slow. I know Bandai is putting all their efforts for quality, but I hope that they can put the same quality with a little haste in their production.

      I just posted the announcement of Super Nova for their next kit.
      Do check it out and share your opinions.
