The Poisoned 02: MG 1/100 MARASAI OF DABAN MODEL

This just came in a few minutes ago. Looks like Daban Model will release another “mono-eye” kit. I hope they release other pictures/images in the future. :)

credits to source :)

Review 016: MG 1/100 Zaku II 2.0 High Mobility Type [Black Tristar] (TT Hongli)

Jeshiro's Apology - SKIP IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ

There are a lot of things I would like to say and these are my apologies. First is that I am sorry if some of the images are blurry or out of focus. I am using a half-broken camera and it was just given to me. I don't have the luxury to buy a new camera because my aim is just to show the kit or model can do. I received a lot of tips from friends and colleagues how to improve my shots a little bit even with a broken camera. The results were not so bad, but I am still looking for other options to improve the lighting conditions in my room. So yeah, I apologize for my bad pictures.

My second apology would be the very late update here in my blog. I was crammed with new kits, extra work, and a lot of personal problems I have to solve. The kit I am working now (Oct 2016) is a Perfect Grade which I will post after a few more articles (I've already finished the watermarks). I am glad a lot of you are still taking a peek on my blog even though there are lots of other cool reviewers than me. If I have the funds to take the kit, I will review them. And now that I have finished my work, I have time to update my blog and post all of my other reviews. The bad news however is that I don't have any funds now to get new kits to review. I am still hoping for my friend which happens to be my client, to continue hiring me as his builder.

And my last apology would be the often changes in my blog. If you have noticed, it's not that fixed yet and the domain shows a lot of redundant stuff. Some of the tabs are not finished and will just redirect you to the main page again. But I have fixed it again by using a default template and just tweaked the fonts, color, etc.


Another Zaku II was given to me to be worked on. And this is one of the 3 Tristars. Although, they are all the same for these 3 Black Tristars because the only noticeable thing that changed them are the numbers on each MS.

Okay, so this is another TT Hongli a brand – a brand that assures painful issues that shows up left and right. I was expecting a nice build but I encountered lots of issues. Several were just isolated cases and from my own error.

This is also my 5th time building a “mono eye” and counting it as 2nd Zaku II 2.0 that I’m going to be build. The first one was the Char’s Zaku II

Reminder again that I am NOT a professional builder. I don’t even put that thought in my head each time finish a project. Feel free to send some tips if you know any.

I would like to apologize that there will be visible nub marks on the featured kit. If there are any errors (spelling, grammar), please do mention them on the comments section. If there are also any errors on the terminologies used, please do correct me.

Please be advised that some of the pieces on each “parts exploded view” might be missing. I sometimes forget that they are still on the runners. But usually, I don’t notice them quickly in the construction manual.

(2016-10-29) UPDATE: You can click the images to show the original size and to give you a better look. I have been doing this since my first post. A lot of people probably thought the images are small. ALL IMAGES ARE LINKED TO THEIR ORIGINAL SIZE.


There are no odd features here in the box art. It's the usual routine of TT Hongli to add those Chinese characters.

While looking at the construction manual, this version of the Zaku II, also known as the High Mobility Zaku, have more runners compare to the other Zaku II model kits I’ve seen.


Runner A
Runner B
Runner C
Runner D
Runner E
Runner F
Runner G
Runner H
Runner I
Runner J
Runner K
Runner L
Runner M
Runner N
Runner PC-200A
There are 16 runners inside along with 2 “canula springs”, a sheet of clear sticker, a small sheet of foil sticker and the usual sheet of dry transfer decal.

Dry Transfers + Clear/Foil Stickers + Canula Springs
Plastic quality is quite your usual TTH brand. The outer armor isn’t that glossy compared to Daban Model’s. And the inner frame texture is a bit rough. Just by looking at it you will already know that the texture isn’t that good. Fortunately, there were no broken parts, melted parts, etc.

Body Unit:

This is your usual Zaku II 2.0 body unit only in different color. Parts separation is nice because of the extra parts for the backpack.

Well, it was getting dark when I started building the body. I don’t want to risk it and get missing parts when trimming the nubs on those small tubes, so I decided to finish the thing the next morning.

I would say that the snap fitting on the main body is good even though several pegs were tight. They still fit so I am counting it on the “good” side.
The usual loose parts are those PC parts from Runner K and the 2 pieces of A9 parts. The A9 parts will serve as a lock on K parts where you insert the small tubes. Unfortunately, it pops off from the portion where you should place it in (the lower abdomen inner frame). Even if I trim down the slot to fit it in, it will still pop off. I had no choice but to apply some glue. Take note of this issue if you plan to paint the model.

One of the changes here aside from the color is the backpack design. Now the Zaku II’s backpack is counted in the body unit and it’s NOT separated. This version of the Zaku II has a nice backpack detailing and I love the design - credits goes to Bandai. I added some minor coloring using Uniball Signo metallic red, silver and metallic green. I also applied the same red on the thrusters. I had to use the foil sticker on the large hexagonal part though.

Head Unit:

This is your usual Zaku II head. The other parts for the head are in the runner if you want to change the fin.

Okay, regarding the PC parts and small tubes. You can either apply some adhesive to make sure it doesn’t pop off or if you fear that it might pop off during posing and accidental bumps. For my side it was actually fine. But when I fit the tip of the PC partm (from Runner K), I could feel that the grip isn’t good. With my client’s consent, I applied some thin glue. The model was planned to be a straight build anyway.

Arm Unit:

It still features the same arm unit but with a few changes on the color. The design on the right shoulder is also different where you can see a vent-like carve on it.

Overall, snap fitting is good and there was only a minor loose part section. It was the C4 part adn you should take note of these because I forgot to mention that the other Zaku II’s I’ve built also share the same issue.

Anyways, it wasn’t much of a big deal because it will get locked once you attached the manipulators. Just like the RX-78-2 and the other Zaku II models, this kit features a semi-articulated manipulator. Articulation is really nice and gives that nice bend.

Waist Unit:

I keep on getting bad fittings on the back skirt. It doesn’t fit very well and it’s really annoying. This issue also happened when I built the Char’s Zaku II. If this issue appeared on my upcoming Zaku II White Ogre, then the issue probably points to the inner frame’s design. But a new question will float whether it was Bandai’s fault or from TTH.

I just glued the back skirt with a thin layer just to make sure it doesn’t pop off from the inner frame.

Articulation here in the waist is also nice and it's pretty much the same with the other Zaku II 2.0 models I've seen before. So that’s the only issue here in the waist unit. Everything else fits just fine and there were no other big issues.


Leg Unit:

O_O woah
Very nice parts separation on this section. It was aided by the new leg design so there were more parts compared to the other Zaku II. (Now I feel like I want to review a Zaku TB >_>). As you can see, there’s even a tinier version of the tubes. You should be really careful when trimming the nubs on each piece. One wrong slip and you might end up cleaning the whole room just to find it. :v
I was a bit arrogant on my side and I trimmed it as usual where my finger holds that small piece. >_>

There were several tight parts on the leg’s inner frame. The outer armor doesn’t fit well and you might want to check some pegs. I will mention the articulation later on the Completed Model section.

Okay, this is one of the isolated cases where the PC part for the tubes, part K4, snapped. Yes, it was the part that will serve as a lock on the canula springs. This is inserted on the thigh if you imagine the part I’m talking about.

Only a single tube popped away out of the spring.
I managed to find it but the bigger problem now is this - how will I attach it on the thigh? I tried looking for replacements but there weren’t any. What’s worse is that end of that spring was bent and damaged probably from the force. I can no longer attach the last tube. It was a big hassle and trouble on my side. Well, as you see on the images, the right side is one tube short. The spring’s angle is also bent differently compared to the left.


Zaku Bazooka:

There were 2 types of bazooka but you can only build one. I picked the common one and glued the loose parts.

Giant Bazooka:

So here are the parts for the other bazooka known as the Giant Bazooka. I thought there will be another set of parts so you can have 2 bazookas. It turns out you can only pick one type and I shouldn't have glued the other one. :/

Zaku Machine Gun / Heat Hawk:

This model will use the usual Zaku machine gun and the same Heat Hawk axe.

Completed Model:

I want to show you the range of articulation for this version of Zaku II. As you can see below, the leg’s articulation isn’t good because of the bulky design of the legs. It can’t be helped though because this MS was designed for space battles and not meant to battle on the ground. (just my thought, I haven’t read the history on wikia).

You can only bend the leg that far and it’s not even near the 90-degree angle. You don’t have a wide range or articulation when you try lifting the whole leg upward or sideward because the side skirts will be a hindrance. There’s a tendency where the side skirts will pop off from the ball joint pegs if you try to move legs far out.

And yeah, I applied some metallic red on the thrusters. A few minor coloring was applied on the legs too using silver, metallic green and metallic red.

Here are the rest of the shots I took...

So here are my ratings for this kit..

I edited this image and it was based from the back design of the cards of GDC (Gundam Duel Company)

Plastic Quality: 6/10
Well it was the same plastic quality like Char’s Zaku II 2.0. The plastic used for the inner frame is quite rough and there were lots of flashes* or excess plastic materials. Even with a sharp or fresh set of X-Acto blades, trimming the nubs were difficult due to the plastic's...erm... "composition".

Assembly: 6/10
Even though I managed to fit each part, it was still a painful experience. :v
Everything was either too loose or too tight. I should also add the fact there were damages on the K Runner's PC parts. This must be the reason why mine snapped. Do check them early to avoid errors.

Detailing: 7/10
Overall, the 2.0 version is really good and I like the new design if compared to the 1.0 one. Like I said on my Char's Zaku review, I am not a mono-eye or Zaku fan. But because of the continuous request from my client (4 Zaku II kits O_O), I am starting to appreciate this type of Mobile Suit. Please do take note I am referring to Bandai's 1.0. I am not saying that TTH had a 1.0 version. >__<

Articulation: 6/10
I had to lower the articulation rating because of the leg’s design. I know it’s not the model’s fault and I could be just expecting too much. I just wanted some extended range on the legs articulation for posing purposes. After all, it was supposed to be a “High Mobility” MS. I’m trying to push the word on the Mobile Suit’s limits to move smoothly on all field - ground, air, space. >_<

Gimmicks: 5/10
Do not expect other grand feats on this kit. It was a nice model that I will admit. But it lacks gimmicks based on my personal view. I checked the 1.0 version and they removed the movable hatch on the head and the movable armor part on the feet. It could have been nice if they retained this feature

Weapons: 5/10
I know there's the Giant Bazooka option, but I wasn't enough to add another point in this segment. The Giant Bazooka wasn't entirely a "whole" weapon but more of a replacement parts. :/

Extras: 5/10
The only extra here are those parts to build the Giant Bazooka and the extra pilot figs. I’m not sure if I missed something but that was just about it. :v

Patience Level**: 7/10
This is a new segment that doesn't have to do anything about the kit, but does have an effect on certain builders. This segment will be about certain factors where the builders might possibly get lazy or have that so-called "burned-out". If any of you have tried building redundant parts like the funnels of the Nu Gundam or the weapons of the Full Armor Unicorn, you will get what I'm saying.

So as for this kit, I am giving a 7 and probably to all future Zaku II 2.0 kits I have already reviewed. The main factor here is the tubes on the head, waist, and legs. You might think they are just few, but I thought it would be really stressful if you decided to sand them one by one. Even if you are using a drill of some sort and place the sandpaper there, it is still very time-consuming. I commend those zaku fans having this great amount of patience when building the Zaku II 2.0 models.

Overall Rating: 7/10
My first rating here is 5.5 but I have changed it to 7, not because I want to be fair. I have checked the 1.0 version and compared both models. Indeed, the 2.0 version of the High Mobility Zaku gained that a nice makeover on it's overall look.
I would recommend getting the Bandai one unless you want to paint and challenge yourself in fixing a lot of issues in this kit. I recall some builders called it “solid”. If they were referring this as “solid” because they built it without issue, then the fault is either mine or from the kit I have. But if they are saying it’s a “solid kit” because they applied some certain methods to fix the issues, then it’s not a “solid kit” at all.

I would like to take this time sharing what I thought about the mentioned term - "solid kit". No offense for my fellow builders (especially from my home group), that I don’t think it’s appropriate to say it’s a “solid kit” to someone asking about a certain kit’s issue. Unless the one asking is already known as a Pro Builder, then the terminology won’t be much of an issue. The fact that you say it’s a solid kit to someone asking doesn’t cover the flaws one might encounter. Some newbies (I still consider myself as a newbie) can be fooled by the phrase. Yes, I know it is common sense not to be so confident just because it was mentioned as “solid kit” but it wouldn’t hurt to give certain advice or extra information about the kit. Something like “It’s a solid kit for my side, but you need to watch this part blah blah...” would be good. Creating short reviews wasn’t just an extra hobby of mine but also my way of sharing some help to others. If I was damn rich, I would follow Prime92’s track in reviewing bootleg gunpla model kits and comparing them to Bandai. I also want to review Bandai kits as well. Of course, these goals are very hard to achieve unless I have a sponsor or a decent flow of income. :v

Anyways, back to the topic. The model looks really cool but there were probably some feats missing here I may have overlooked. A few points of gimmicks could have been added for the Zaku or “mono-eye” fans. Like I said on the Articulation section, movement range for the leg isn’t as satisfactory compared to the ordinary Zaku II 2.0. I can’t say much about the kit since it was too plain-looking. Honestly, I’m not into Zaku’s or any mono eye but the White Ogre and this version of Zaku II looks cool for my side. I hope I get to build the Bandai one and that might change my view regarding mono-eyes.

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*- well I had to check what was the correct term and I learned that it was called flashes and not flushes. My apologies for my earlier reviews using the other wrong word/term. XD
**-this segment was suggested by a friend when we were rush-building the MG Unicorn Gundam w/ MS Cage