The Poisoned 036: SD Evangelion Unit 01 of SUNTOYS

I am not disappointed that Suntoys picked a non-Gundam model for their next kit. In fact, I am glad they put consideration to one of the classics during my childhood time. Evangelion has always been a popular anime back then with a unique concept.

Anyways, Suntoys released another SD with a cool Inner Frame and that is the Evangelion Unit 01. Their first kit I think is the RX-78-2. I hope Suntoys continue to release more from the Gundam line.


  1. nice. SO NICE.
    and it's also nice to know that you're an Eva fan as well(insert "I see that you're a man of culture as well" meme).
    Aside from Gundams, my childhood wouldn't be complete without Eva. haha.
    Though when I read "SD" I thought it would be an SD(Huge head, small body, Chibi Gundam) one, but when I saw the runners... damn, I NEED to get one of THIS! ASAP.
    I miss my Eva unit 2, Asuka's Unit...

    1. Did you saw their first kit the SD Rx-78-2?
      Unlike your usual SD, Suntoys managed to add an Inner Frame

    2. I just did. And it IS an SD. haha I do hope that this Eva is not an "SD" but an actual scale model of unit 1.

    3. Well if you look at the parts.. it is a SD :v
      Still cute and cool..
