The Poisoned 061b: SNAA 1/100 Hunting Falcon (New images posted in Facebook pages)

 So the kit includes 29 runners and complete with the effect parts. A friend told us, however, that the effect parts stand is only included in the 1st batch. FIRST BATCH ONLY!! So, I am not sure if the kit I ordered also have one.

Even if there aren't included, I am still excited with the kit. The parts have a lot of panel lines which is going to be good for builders who want to mask and paint it. The inner frame was mentioned as "simple" as possible and focusing more on the outer armor parts. 

I am a little worried with the Inner Frame, not because it doesn't have any fancy detailing but because if it can affect the articulation. I do hope that the Inner Frame can still feature great movement range for extreme poses.



    1. Yeah, I watched it a couple of days ago. I'm definitely going to get one :3
